Convincing your parents to let you...


Mum and Dad

Remember that one thing that you always wanted?  You may have got it, or you may have spent your life wondering what it would be like.  Well you can make that dream come true for me if you buy me a new sax mouthpiece.
I spend at least an hour a day practicing so hard to get better and it would make my life so much easier if you would buy me it.  It would make my jazz playing sound so much better and be a lot easier to play.
If you buy it you can make my life easier and make my playing sound so much better.


Mum and Dad

It has been proven that a metal mouthpiece sounds better for jazz.  Berg Larsen is one of the leading brands in America and the world for mouthpieces.  Because of these stats, if I had a Berg Larsen mouth piece I could statistically play better than I have been playing recently.  Also, as the Australian dollar is relatively high at the moment it is an even better opportunity to get one.  These facts all show that now is the best time to buy a mouthpiece from America.


Mum and Dad

I have been working very hard at the saxophone since year three.  On the way I have learnt many things.  One of them is there are two parts to make the song you are playing sound good.  The technique has to be good.  Even on the best instrument you cannot be good without the right technique, and the equipment.  You need a good sax and mouthpiece to complete the good sound.  I have worked for so long on the technique, and I have got a good sax.  All there is left is the mouthpiece.  That is why I think you should buy me a Berg Larsen mouthpiece.