Organ donning - not completed - no conclusion yet

“Life or death?”.  That is a question some people ask themselves each morning, and throughout each day.  “Will I survive a year, a month, a week, a day?”  These are people who are suffering from organ related problems which are preventable, but still, lives are lost from these preventable illnesses. 
Becoming an organ donor can be considered a big ask, though is it really a big ask to say yes to a question?  A question that could determine the fate of up to 10 other people.
Organ donning is amazing.  Did you know that even after you have passed on, you can still give life to up to 10 other people?  And significantly improve the lives of many others?  And yet still, only 58% of Australians allow this to happen. 
Many organs can be donated, such as the heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, pancreas and intestines, as well as both cornea, areas of skin, heart valves and tendons. 
Anybody can donate.  Organ donning is not selective to races or religion.  Anyone can donate and make someone’s life a little bit, or a whole lot better.  White people can donate to black people, Christians can donate to Muslims and Australians can donate to Chinese.  Organ donning is very multi-cultural and has no racial boundaries.  With this fact being known, no-one has an excuse to not be an organ donor.
Being dead isn’t the only gateway for being a donor.  You can also donate organs when you are alive.  Organs such as a kidney and a half liver can be donated with nearly no affect at all on your daily life.  Having one kidney won’t make a difference to you but it will make a huge difference to people who really need one.
Not only is live organ donning easy with an extremely high success rate, there is a really short recovery time or 2 – 6 weeks, that means that you will have improved somebodies’ life dramatically at nearly no cost to you and will always be thankful of your generous act.