· (pg1) Strange that the first chapter is called ‘Third’
o It is strange that the first chapter is called ‘Third’ as it makes the reader think about the unusual title
· What can you tell about the story through the use of two different fonts?
o The story is from two perspectives
· What person is the narrative told in?
o 3rd person
· We learn about a ‘special’ family.
o The have three children as nearly everyone has two children
· What is the goal of the speakers at the start of the book?
o To save the world
· What are they watching and what do they decide about their subject? What type of irony is used by the audience having more information than the main character?
· What is interesting about the surname of the title character? What does it say about his role in the story?
o Wiggin. Seems like a normal name. Irony?
· What perspective is the narration for the other section of the opening chapter (not the starting bit)?
o 1st person
· “Sometimes lies were more dependable than the truth.” (2) What is a possible central theme of the book?
o Lying
· What does the title ‘Monitor’ represent to the other boys?
o You are special
· (5) What connotations does Ender being a ‘third’ have?
o You weren’t paid for by the government, unwanted
· What does Ender know about his intelligence in regards to the other boys?
o He is a lot smarter than anyone he knows
· (7) What does Ender do to the bullies?
o Beats them up
· The narrator is sympathetic to Ender: ‘This would not have a happy ending. So Ender decided that he would not be the unhappiest at the end.’
o Ender decided that someone would be going down so he didn’t want it to be him
· (8) While Ender seems emotionally stable on the exterior how would you describe his emotional state on the inside?
o Stable and confused of his purpose
· How the perspective of the narration changed in the statement: ‘I am just like Peter. Take my monitor away; and I am just like Peter.’ What does this imply about Peter?
o It was Ender talking