- What person is the narrative told in?
- Third person
- What is a 'Third'?
- A third child to be born
- What game does Peter want to play with Ender?
- Buggers and astronauts
- What are two reasons why Ender doesn't want to go to battle school?
- Away from Valentine and home
- What type of irony is used when the audience knows more than the characters?
- Dramatic irony
- How does Graff treat Ender when he first gets to battle school?
- Singles him out and makes everybody hate him
- Who is Ender's room leader at battle school?
- He is
- What happens when Ender goes to the games room for the first time?
- He gets pushed around even when he beats an older boy at a game
- Who is Bernard and what is Ender's relationship to him?
- Bernard is the boy in the same launch as Ender whom broke his arm through provoking Ender
- What role is Alai voted in to? What role does he now play for the group?
- The link between Ender's gang and Bernard's gang
- What mistake does Ender make immediately upon joining Salamander Army?He shoots
What happens to Ender in the battle against Condor that gets him recognition