• Consider the use of vectors, line, contrast, composition, colour, and perspective (there are more techniques)
    • Barbed wire - vector lines that draw your eye to the tower in the distance, seeming to go forever.  Shows entrapment 
    •  All the lines seem to lead to the distance on the inside of the fence, which still leads to the tower, symbolizing no escape
    • The colours are dull
    • Lines are equally spaced vertically to suit German superiority
  • How can the visual elements in the photo evoke empathy and reverence from a viewer?
    • The image shows what the Jews would of had to go through and makes you feel bad for them even though it had nothing to do with you
  • How is Auschwitz represented in this photo?
    • Auschwitz is represented as a prison, harshly treated by nature, and people.
  • Find another photo of Auschwitz that you feel has an important representation of this place that caused so much pain and destruction. Analyse the use of visual techniques which make it particularly engaging. How does it represent this location?
  • This photo represents the harsh life that the Jews endured throughout the holocaust.  
    • The vector lines in this photo lead to the sign in the foreground symbolising death.